Virtual currency fraud swindled 100 million! The police pursued the suspect, who ran wildly on the roof, stuffed money into his trouser pockets and picked it up wildly.

Last September, Mr. Zhan fell into the virtual currency investment trap and was defrauded of 3.4 million. He joined the LINE investment group, thinking he could make a lot of money, but after exchanging cash for virtual currency, he was asked to pay another 10% "tax" when he wanted to withdraw cash. The police intervened, and a year later, the main culprit surnamed Lin and his gang were found. They actually cheated 68 people, and the amount involved exceeded 100 million!

The fraud routine is revealed: the fraud gang forged a legal investment platform and used social media to lure people into the trap. Fake experts spread false information, forged profit screenshots, and created a "money-making myth". In the early stage, small profits were baited, and in the later stage, taxes, fees, etc. were used as excuses to refuse withdrawals, and even "shell platforms" were set up to deepen trust, draining victims step by step.

#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币