1. Imagine, when BTC soars to 120,000, and ETH also stands firmly on the 6,000 mark, what a spectacular sight it will be!

2. The copycat air coins may follow suit in the early stage, but their dance steps are often not as gorgeous as BTC, and their gains may be shy. In the end, they may also exit the bull market feast ahead of time, leaving a place for aftertaste.

3. The carnival of Meme coins is likely to focus on the star projects on the Binance stage. They need to go through a deep baptism before they can shine brightly. If the wash is not thorough enough, remember to keep an eye on those meme new stars that have completely transformed and are ready to go.

4. TON token? Don't rush to expect it to shine. Its highlight moment may have to wait until the end of the bull market, accompanied by the joyful music of ecological mini-games.

5. The stablecoin track is still the fertile land full of miracles. Dark horses may jump out at any time and become new legends.

6. Before BTC reaches the 70,000 peak, it may encounter a sudden storm or even a black swan event. But please remember that after every storm, Bitcoin is a golden opportunity to rush to the 100,000 mark.

7. When blockchain meets AI, it is like a spark collision, and new projects are springing up like mushrooms after rain. Why not slow down and savor this innovative feast carefully.

8. As for blockchain + social? Hey, it is mostly a mirage. No matter how round the pie is, it can't cover up the essence of cutting leeks. Let's take a detour and protect our wallets!

In the currency circle, the 28th law is an eternal truth. When you are most panicked, there is often gold all over the ground and opportunities hidden. When everyone is drinking and talking, remember to stay awake, leave quietly, and prepare for the next precise hunting.

#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌