9.12 BTC, ETH intraday strategy: The market breaks through the critical value, and the fun begins

Bitcoin went up unilaterally last night. Anyone who has read the post and opened long positions can lock in profits. It is repeatedly suggested that the market will reverse, and some people are still shorting. I can only say that those who are shorting should be well-defended, because it has been repeatedly hitting the upper resistance recently. It is likely to hit the 60,000 mark today and tomorrow. This week's strategy is very accurate in advance layout, which can be checked. The main strategy is low-long during the day

From the 4-hour chart of BTC, the technical indicators are very clear, all rising strongly bullish, and the retracement will not be too strong. After the hourly line divergence was prompted last night, the trend line has been moving upward and bullish, so the general direction is still bullish. KDJ is bullish in both 4-hour and 6-hour trading. MACD starts to close with empty columns upward. If there are continuous large empty columns, the 4-hour trading will close with a large positive line, and it is likely to break through 59,000 directly. The support range below BTC is 575-58, and buying on dips is also in this range.

BTC intraday strategy: 57,500-58,000 to buy, and the target is around 59,300!

ETH intraday strategy: 2335-2350 to buy, and the target is around 5410!

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