Musk said: If Harris is elected president, the Mars dream may be shattered. I have the following analysis.

First, Musk, a technology madman, made a statement on the X platform, which directly shocked the American political arena. He bluntly said that if Vice President Harris won the election, the United States' steps towards the stars and the sea would be tripped. In this statement, Musk seemed to be sounding the alarm for the US government, reminding them that reform is imminent, otherwise those grand blueprints for the future, including the Mars colonization plan, may become empty talk. Musk's remarks are both dissatisfaction with the status quo and deep concern for the future.

Second, looking back at history, the United States has always been a leader in technological innovation, but in recent years, with the increasing complexity of regulations, many innovative projects have encountered many obstacles. Musk's remarks are undoubtedly calling on the government to streamline administration and delegate power to clear obstacles for technological innovation. And his linking of Harris with the Mars dream is more like a provocation, hoping to promote profound changes at the government level. After all, in Musk's view, the future of mankind should not be bound to the cradle of the earth, but should bravely move towards the stars and the sea.

I guess that although Musk's remarks are sharp, they are not aimless. He knows that government support is crucial to technological innovation. Therefore, he chose to speak out at this critical moment, both to express his position and to awaken more people's attention to the future. As for whether Harris will become a stumbling block to the Mars dream, it will take time to verify. But in any case, Musk's remarks have successfully triggered widespread discussion and thinking in society. So, how do you think the US government should reform to better support technological innovation and space exploration? Welcome to leave a message to share your views.