Recently, a series of events concerning China Evergrande Group and its founder Xu Jiayin have once again become the focus. According to a report by Jinshi Data on September 11, a latest ruling by a British court revealed the financial situation of Xu Jiayin’s ex-wife Ding Yumei after her assets were frozen.

The ruling, which allows Ding Yumei to withdraw up to 20,000 pounds a month from her frozen assets for living expenses, has drawn public attention to the internal affairs of Evergrande Group and the personal financial arrangements of its senior executives.

In early August this year, China Evergrande Group issued an announcement announcing that its liquidator had filed a lawsuit with the Hong Kong High Court to recover huge sums of money from Xu Jiayin and his ex-wife Ding Yumei and others, totaling approximately US$6 billion.

These include Xu Jiayin himself, former CEO Xia Haijun, former CFO Pan Darong and others. The lawsuit aims to recover the dividends and remuneration they received from the company.

Data shows that Ding Yumei holds 5.99% of Evergrande's shares, which shows that she holds a very important position in the company. However, in the latest legal dispute, her assets have been frozen.

Despite this, the British court's ruling took into account her personal basic living needs and allowed her to withdraw a certain amount of money each month for daily living expenses.

As of August 29, a court document showed that Ding Yumei still had more than $4 million in deposits in a bank account in the UK and that she currently lived in London. At the same time, the liquidator is working to recover a total of HK$2.8 billion in dividend income that Ding Yumei received between 2018 and 2020.

This series of events not only reflects the financial difficulties faced by Evergrande Group, but also highlights the complex relationship between the personal assets of senior executives and the interests of the company. As the situation develops, the outside world will continue to pay attention to how Evergrande Group and its related parties will resolve the current legal and financial challenges.

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