How do you think Trump will impact cryptocurrencies?

Trump’s attitude towards cryptocurrencies is relatively complicated. During his tenure, the cryptocurrency industry experienced significant growth while also facing regulatory uncertainty. The following are the impacts in several aspects:

1. **Regulatory attitude**:

- During the Trump administration, agencies such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) have begun to strengthen supervision of the cryptocurrency market. In particular, the SEC has clarified its regulation of initial coin offerings (ICOs) and the classification of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as securities.

- Trump himself has expressed skepticism about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on social media, fearing they could be used for illegal activities and emphasizing the importance of the U.S. dollar.

2. **Fiscal Policy**:

- Trump-era fiscal policies, such as tax cuts and increased spending, could lead to rising inflationary pressures, and some investors may view cryptocurrencies as a hedge against inflation.

3. **International Position**:

- The Trump administration is also involved in international conversations, such as discussing the Libra project (a cryptocurrency initiative launched by Facebook), which indicates the United States' stance on cryptocurrencies globally.

4. **Technological Innovation and Investment**:

- Despite regulatory challenges, there has been a massive inflow of capital into blockchain technology and cryptocurrency-related startups during Trump’s term.

5. **Legal Framework**:

- The government may continue to push for legislation to better define the status of crypto-assets and ensure they are properly taxed and regulated.

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