Traders have lost over $1M on this mistake in the last month...

Token holders and volumes can be faked in 5 minutes

I've researched this method and found a way to protect myselfđŸ§”đŸ‘‡

Every trader uses


to check and search for coins.

Absolutely everyone pays attention to the tokens with the highest trading volumes, even if their market capitalization is smaller

99% will start buying such a coin, but there is a huge BUT...👇

Traders pay attention to these factors when buying coins:



The numbers may show good, but what if I told you that most of the time it's a scam

This scam scheme has become very popular in trading lately

The most common method is automation, when thousands of wallets buy token using servers, nodes and similar tools.

Here is an example of how this scam works👇

Even using


you will never see that there is something wrong with the token

All the wallets are unlinked, the holders look realistic

However, what to look out for and how to secure your trade?👇

đŸŒŸTo do this, you should check out the token's social media accounts:

✓ Check out the Telegram chat token

✓ Go to


✓ Check Twitter activity

If social media projects are not active, there is a 99% probability that volumes and purchases are artificially high

Yes, Telegram and Twitter can also be hyped with the help of bots

But this is the only way to protect yourself in such cases.

Follow @ReflectionCrypto for more threads