🚀【New Blockchain News】Lido Alliance Launches Liquidity Staking Protocol Drop

Blockchain enthusiasts, pay attention! Lido Alliance has just announced a big news: they have launched a liquidity staking protocol designed specifically for Interchain assets - Drop! The goal of this protocol is to enhance the economic viability of sovereign blockchains by activating frozen assets. 📈

Currently, Drop supports liquidity staking of ATOM. After users stake ATOM, they will receive dATOM tokens representing their staked positions. Even better, Drop will allocate 10% of the liquidity staking asset rewards to a dedicated pool, and the DROP DAO will decide how to use it in the future. 💰

In order to incentivize more users to participate, Drop launched the Droplets plan, which will distribute 100 million DROP tokens (10% of the total supply) to participants. This plan undoubtedly injects new vitality into the blockchain ecosystem! 🌟

Although the overall market performance is neutral, Bitcoin is still the star in our hearts. Continue to pay attention to the global regulatory dynamics and industry trends of blockchain, the future is promising! 🚀