As of March 2024, Telegram has over 900 million monthly active users, making it one of the most influential platforms in the digital space, with such a large user base that means huge potential for innovation. Telegram is a vibrant ecosystem where users conduct everything from group chats to e-commerce.

A topic that has attracted widespread attention recently is the embedded mini-programs (MiniApps) on the Telegram platform. Recently, Tencent released its Q2 2024 financial report, showing that the user time of WeChat Mini Programs increased by more than 20% year-on-year. The monthly active users of WeChat Mini Games alone reached 500 million, and the cumulative number of developers served exceeded 400,000. From the success of WeChat Mini Programs, we can foresee that the success of Telegram's embedded mini-programs is only a matter of time.

Telegram Mini Programs are quickly becoming a new way for businesses to reach their audiences directly within the Telegram environment. Whether it is games, service bots, or more, users can get these services without leaving the platform. As these mini programs quickly gain popularity, many companies and developers will pay close attention to their crypto integration to enhance user experience and open up new revenue channels.

Telegram mini-app development has both opportunities and difficulties

Telegram’s 900 million monthly active users represent a large and highly engaged audience, and Telegram Mini-Apps offer new opportunities — convenient, integrated services that allow users to shop, play games, or manage their community without leaving the app.

Telegram mini-programs have unlimited market potential, but there are many difficulties in development, such as high development difficulty, slow development speed, cost-effectiveness, convenience, flexibility, limited resources, etc. In the face of a rapidly changing market environment, the development time is often directly related to the success or failure of a product. How to quickly bring mini-programs to market has become the first problem faced by most mini-program developers.

A few pioneers saw this and took the lead in launching the Telegram SDK. Among them, the Tomo team was inspired by the spirit of freedom and innovation that Telegram represents and became the first to discover the potential of Telegram as a digital interaction center. Tomo has been developing solutions to bring financial freedom to the Telegram space, which is highly consistent with Telegram's values, especially its commitment to privacy and user empowerment under the leadership of Pavel Durov.

Telegram has become a symbol of digital independence, which is also the key to the origin of Tomo Telegram SDK.

As the crypto space matures, more and more users want crypto functionality integrated into these mini-programs. Users want to have financial tools as easy as sending a message on Telegram.

TomoTelegram SDK provides a one-stop mini-app development solution

The emergence of TomoTelegram SDK provides a one-stop solution for developers who want to add crypto features to Telegram applets. With Tomo Telegram SDK, developers can let users create and manage crypto wallets using their existing social accounts without complicated setup processes or leaving the app. This is the easiest and most intuitive way to bring cryptocurrency to the Telegram platform.

TomoSDK fundamentally changes the way users interact with digital assets. It supports seamless integration, which means users can send, receive, and manage their crypto assets directly in the Telegram environment.

Managing digital assets across chains in Telegram

As developers continue to explore the possibilities offered by the Tomo Telegram SDK, the broad vision for Web3 on Telegram is beginning to take shape.

Let’s imagine the convenience of managing digital assets directly in the same application where users chat, collaborate and interact every day. This vision can also be extended to how users handle their crypto transactions and explore dApps, all without leaving the Telegram platform.

Based on the above background, the Tomo team introduced a more efficient way to manage user assets during the development process - cross-chain asset management. Tomo Telegram Wallet runs directly within Telegram, allowing users to manage and exchange digital assets across multiple blockchains. TomoTelegram Wallet effectively simplifies the process of sending, receiving, and exchanging tokens, allowing users to easily operate without leaving the Telegram interface.

Providing developers with new ways to generate revenue

For application developers, monetization is often a huge challenge, and Telegram app development is no exception. Tomo Telegram SDK enables the entire process of purchases, redemptions, and other financial transactions within the app in a multi-chain encryption environment. It provides developers with a new revenue channel, that is, a new way to generate crypto revenue directly within the app, rather than relying solely on traditional advertising or subscription models.

As crypto assets surge into the mainstream, the ability to provide these features will become a necessity, not an option. The TomoTelegram SDK solution is designed to be easy to implement, allowing developers to focus on what they do best: building interactive applications that users love.

Looking ahead, Telegram applets will see explosive growth

Telegram Mini Programs are in their infancy, but their potential and future prospects are undeniable. With the proliferation of various mini programs in areas such as shopping, games, community management, etc., we can expect more explosive growth in innovative mini programs, and Telegram will achieve a surge in users by unlocking more use cases.

Telegram has already established itself as a powerful platform, and by integrating utilities like the Tomo Telegram SDK, it will become even more powerful. For developers, the opportunity is clear: leverage Telegram’s massive user base to build the next generation of crypto-enabled applets.

Tomo Telegram Connect SDK

Transforming Telegram Mini-App Development with Tomo Telegram Connect SDK

Do you want to enhance your dApp functionality within the Telegram ecosystem? Tomo Telegram SDK provides you with tools for seamless wallet integration and improved user experience. Designed to empower both developers and users, Tomo Telegram SDK combines simple social login with versatile multi-chain support in one convenient platform.

TomoTelegram SDK Advantages

Extensive wallet connectivity: The Tomo Telegram SDK makes it easy to integrate multiple wallets, giving users the flexibility to connect their preferred options. With TON Connect, users can link their wallets to the TON blockchain, and the upcoming addition of OKX Connect will further expand wallet options.

Easy Social Login: Simplify the user registration process with Tomo’s built-in social login feature. With Telegram login, users can instantly create a custodial wallet powered by Cubist, enabling quick access to dApp features without deep blockchain knowledge.

Extensive multi-chain and custom network support: Support for multiple blockchains (including TON, Bitcoin, EVM-compatible networks, Solana, etc.) provides developers with flexibility to build diverse dApps. Support for custom networks and testnets further enhances the development experience by allowing comprehensive testing and seamless deployment in different environments.

Advanced features for the future: Tomo is developing more integrated features such as exchange and deposit components, making it easier for users to trade tokens and convert fiat to crypto within Telegram. These upcoming features will simplify access to Web3 services and increase user engagement.

Can't wait to try it?

Try the Tomo Telegram SDK now! Developers can log in to GitHub to view a detailed demo to learn how to easily integrate and start building powerful applets in Telegram.