The release of the US August CPI data tonight may have a certain impact on the Bitcoin market, but the specific direction and extent of this impact depends on multiple factors.

When the monthly CPI rate rises, it means that inflationary pressure increases. This will lead to investors' expectations of future price increases, and they may seek assets with anti-inflation properties to preserve and increase their value. In the cryptocurrency market, this may drive up the prices of certain cryptocurrencies that are regarded as safe-haven assets or anti-inflation assets.

On the contrary, if the monthly CPI rate falls, it means that inflationary pressure has eased. This may reduce investors' concerns about price increases and reduce the demand for anti-inflation assets, thereby exerting certain pressure on the cryptocurrency market.

After the news tonight, I still prefer to go long first and short later, with a target of 58,000

#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #BTC☀