🔥 Global Cryptocurrency Investment Environment: Counter-trend Growth Demonstrates Investor Confidence 📈

According to the latest survey, cryptocurrency holdings in major regions around the world remain stable, and even increased in some key regions. Despite the uncertainty, investor confidence in cryptocurrencies remains strong.

In the United States, about 21% of adults said they own cryptocurrencies, and the proportion in the United Kingdom is similar, with 18% of residents holding digital assets. The holding rate in France rose from 16% in 2022 to 18%, while Singapore fell slightly from 30% to 26%.

Most of these investors (65%) are long-term holders who buy cryptocurrencies for future investment potential. Another 38% see cryptocurrencies as a hedge against inflation.

Interestingly, the number of investors who sold assets in the past six months has dropped significantly compared to a year ago. In Singapore, only 10% of investors have sold assets recently, compared to 49% a year ago. Investor pessimism is turning to more optimism.

In addition, those who previously exited the market now seem ready to return. More than 70% of cryptocurrency holders are considering reinvesting next year, and 57% of existing holders are confident in cryptocurrency as an important part of their portfolio.

On the other hand, the CoinGecko survey also supports these findings, with 54.1% of investors optimistic about the long-term potential of the market. Although 31.6% are bearish, 47.6% of builders are still bullish.

The launch of Bitcoin spot ETFs has also attracted new investors. Currently, nearly 2/5 of US cryptocurrency holders invest part of their portfolio in cryptocurrency ETFs, while 13% of holders only hold cryptocurrencies through these funds.

With the 2024 US presidential election approaching, cryptocurrency has become a prominent campaign issue. Among US respondents, 73% said they would consider candidates' stances on cryptocurrency in their voting decisions, and 37% said it would significantly affect their choice.

In short, investors' strong confidence and long-term commitment to cryptocurrency indicate that this market will continue to grow and develop, and the market is always ready to embrace new growth opportunities!

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