Wednesday, September 11, Bitcoin afternoon market insights

After a continuous rise, Bitcoin finally came under pressure in the 58,000 area. Since yesterday's high did not break 58,000, we also directly turned our thinking to bearish. In the end, the market also went down as expected. A round of decline in the afternoon directly came to the 56,100 line and gave a rebound correction. Our bearish thinking was to directly eat up the 1,900 iodine run space. The short-term market weakened again, and the operation only needed to follow the trend and go short!

At present, there are obvious reversal signals in the 4-hour trend. The short-term K has gone out of three consecutive negatives, and the shorts in the 4-hour trend are still continuing to go down. The moving average shows a turning signal with the currency price, so the structure is still changing. Don't bite the bullet and chase more. The hourly line continues to weaken. There is a rebound correction after the decline, but it does not mean that the market has reversed again. The strength of the increase is relatively weak. It is expected to run in a volatile downward trend. Therefore, in a weak structure, the rebound is an opportunity to go short.

On Wednesday afternoon, it is recommended to short Bitcoin around 56800-57000, and the target is 55500-54000.

On Wednesday afternoon, it is recommended to short Ethereum at 2350-2380, and the target is 2250-2200.

Same market, same time, different results, which one do you belong to? If the direction is right, don't be afraid of the long road. Use time to witness strength, use strength to win the future, let trust become Lirun, and use Lirun to resolve doubts.

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