Virtual currency fake investment defrauded 100 million

In September last year, a victim surnamed Zhan reported to the police station and said that he was lured to join a LINE investment group. In the name of virtual currency investment, the fraud group met with him in cash and then transferred the virtual currency to the so-called "Investment Platform".​

At first glance, everything seemed normal. At first, he saw his own funds on the platform and was making profits according to what people in the investment group said.​

However, when the victim wanted to transfer money and withdraw money, the fraud group demanded another remittance on the grounds that "a 10% tax is required to withdraw profits." Only then did the victim named Zhan realize that he had been deceived and lost money. Up to 3.4 million yuan.​

After receiving the report, the police immediately launched an in-depth investigation and identified the main suspect named Lin and his fraud group a year later. Investigations revealed that the group had successfully defrauded 68 victims, making a total profit of more than $100 million.​

Chang police jumped on the roof when they saw suspicion

What makes people angry and funny is that when the police tracked down the rental house of the main suspect Lin and attacked it, Lin panicked. He stuffed cash in his pants and hands, and tried to jump on the roof and use "flying over the wall" He escaped in a certain way, and kept picking up the dropped cash in the process. The police were worried that he would slip and fall, so they chased and persuaded Lin until they felt that there was no way to escape, and then they arrested him.​

林嫌跳上屋頂逃跑Picture source: Police information Lin Su jumped on the roof to escape

In the end, the police found these illegal gains at the rental house. In addition to cash, they also included luxury cars, land, deposits, and virtual currencies. They seized nearly 30 million yuan in illegal assets. The main members of the fraud group included two Chen The suspect surnamed Lin was transferred to the Changhua District Prosecutor's Office for investigation together with the main suspect Lin, and was requested to be detained in accordance with the Fraud and Money Laundering Prevention Act.​

詐團不法所得Picture source: Police information Illegal gains from fraud groups

Fraud syndicate operating model

Fraudulent groups usually set up seemingly legitimate investment platforms and use social media and instant messaging software such as LINE and Telegram to attract investors into the trap.​

The "investment experts" in these groups will use false information, forged investment profit slips and other means to make victims believe that investing funds can get high returns. The more sophisticated ones will even create "shell platforms" to use The seemingly formal platform reassures victims.​

After the victim obtains the funds, some fraud groups will use "taxes", "handling fees" and other reasons to refuse the victim's withdrawal, and even some will "play a long game to catch the big fish" and allow the victim to successfully withdraw money in the early stage. Defraud trust and further induce investors to bet all their wealth.​

"Crypto City" also reminds citizens that when faced with similar investment opportunities, they should be more vigilant and avoid being fooled by the bait of "high returns, low risks."