When doing cryptocurrency contracts, do you make orders based on technology or feelings?

For most people, playing contracts is gambling.

For those who really have news to trade, it is investment

But we don’t have this kind of advance news, how can we do it.

Without this condition, we can’t do this

The popular method in the market is basically to look at the K-line and then do technical analysis to predict the market

It may be right or it may be a loss. Those who are lucky enough to make money can make several times a month

In the end, they will all be returned to the market

The expected return of contract trading is negative.

It means that as long as you insist on playing, you will basically lose money in the end

If you have inside information. Of course you can play

Relying on technical analysis, relying on K-line to lead orders, forget it

Look at this year’s cyber and TRB. You will know

Friends who have no direction in the cryptocurrency circle, pay attention to the main content, I wish you success

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