On the evening of September 10th, local time, the current US Vice President Harris and former President Trump began their first presidential TV debate. The two discussed issues such as economy, prices, abortion, immigration, border policy, etc. Nandu reporters noticed that unlike the last debate, this time, Trump raised his voice many times, and still interrupted and spoke when the host reminded him. The US media commented that "since the first debate between Trump and Biden in 2020, he has never been so angry in a debate."

Trump and Harris.

Before the televised debate began on September 10 local time, many U.S. media commentators believed that the "battle between prosecutors and felons" had become one of the core narratives in Harris' campaign, and pointed out that Harris' experience as a prosecutor had profoundly influenced her debating style.

A former Harris aide and several political communication experts said in media interviews that Harris was debating in the same way as she was talking to the jury.

On September 9, Beijing time, Chen Zheng, a lecturer at the Institute of Regional and Global Governance of Beijing Foreign Studies University and a researcher at Taihe Think Tank, also predicted to a reporter from Nandu that Trump is a stubborn debater and is very likely not to answer questions directly. If the debate really cancels the "mute microphone" as Harris thought, he is very likely to interrupt and interrupt Harris, and he will be very aggressive. If Harris talks to Trump in the way of interrogating a criminal, it may anger him.

Nandu reporters noted that in this TV debate, Harris did specifically mention Trump's current lawsuit and talked about his upcoming trial, pointing out that "the crimes he committed endanger the country." US media commented that "creating a sharp contrast between the two has become the core of Harris' campaign, and she brought this strategy to the debate stage."

Unlike the last televised debate with current President Biden, this time, under Harris's continued offensive, Trump raised his voice many times, and still interrupted and spoke when the host reminded him, so that the host had to stop and no longer asked questions as planned.

In sync with the live broadcast of the TV debate, several senior U.S. presidential campaign reporters repeatedly expressed similar ideas in real-time comments: "I haven't seen Trump so angry in a debate since the first debate between Trump and Joe Biden in 2020. Harris hoped that attacking and mocking Trump would anger him and trigger a rambling response. That was indeed the case." #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #鄂B炒家