Wednesday, Bitcoin, Ethereum, operation strategy!

Yesterday's oscillating rhythm, give the analysis idea 56500 is bullish 58000, cashing idea, then the pressure test does not break, do not look at the retracement idea. This afternoon is also a cashing space, up and down 3000 space, in the oscillating market, around the support pressure test to make a roundabout layout. For today, it is still treated with an oscillating idea, and the focus is on the evening CPI data. Whether the space can be opened depends on the rhythm tonight.

Today, after yesterday's retracement and rebound, it failed to continue the retracement in the morning, forming a double top pattern. From the performance of the past two days, the performance is slightly ranged, and the morning retracement, the current position of 56000 is not a watershed, and it cannot be arranged according to the continued rise.

There are a few points to note:

1. In the rise, the more times the upper resistance is tested, the greater the probability of breaking or not standing.

2. The market has been afraid of highs, and the shorts will not end quickly in the short term, and it is necessary to guard against falling actions.

3. Operations must be mainly based on the trend layout.

For now, there is no operation position. The 4-hour level boll middle rail support is 55600. It is expected that the short-term oscillation rhythm will swing during the day. The US market will see whether the second bottoming out will end and rebound. The upper pressure during the day is 58800-59500, and the lower support is 55700-56200. In terms of operation, look for rebounds above 55600 first, and consider entering the market when it goes up!

For Ethereum, it is also synchronized overnight. The upper pressure during the day is 2410, and the support is 2270. Just synchronize!

Operation strategy on Wednesday

For CNY, the 55600 area is bullish, and 57300-800 is bullish. This area is not broken once.

For Ethereum, the 2280 area is bullish, and 2360 is bullish, and it is not broken once.

Tonight's CPI data is online. If you can't do well in the short term or the trend, follow Ultraman's thinking and take off and charge together in September and October!

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