$BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业?

👀Big Pie also lost her temper😡

No mention of cryptocurrency in the debate

At $BTC in the early morning, I was ready to rise📈

After the debate, Shanzhai followed Big Pie and fell three thousand feet, and Big Pie also fell below the solid support level of 57,000❗

Trump VS Harris: A big collision of future blueprints

Trump pushed "America First", reduced taxes to promote employment, blue-collar workers and small and medium-sized enterprises benefited a lot, and the economy was full of vitality. Harris focused on fairness, advocated raising the minimum wage, empowering education, building a diversified employment ecology, and ensuring that every corner shared prosperity.

Trump advocated personal responsibility and market efficiency, reduced drug prices, expanded medical insurance, and strived to make medical care more people-friendly. Harris adhered to the dream of universal medical care, strengthened public health, and helped with scientific research, vowing to let the medical sunshine shine on every family.

Trump flexed his military muscles, used flexible diplomacy, defended national interests, and stabilized the global order. Harris advocated multilateral cooperation, dialogue to resolve disputes, and worked with allies to meet challenges and build a peaceful future.

Trump was defensive, data-driven, and rational. Harris took the initiative, with a firm look and detailed plans, showing her leadership style.

Although cryptocurrencies were absent, the core issues were sharp. This debate was not only a collision of ideas, but also a prospect for the future. Regardless of the outcome, it has added a strong touch to the American political landscape and inspired people's infinite imagination of a better future.

The market is changing rapidly, and strategies need to be flexible. Follow me at @币O 大东家 , share market information, market interpretation and operation suggestions every day, so that you will not be confused on the road to wealth🤝🤝



