After we firmly gave a bullish idea in the morning, the market also went up as we thought, and after touching the 58,000 line, it gave a retracement correction. As a whole, it is consistent with our morning strategy. After the multi-dans we set up in the morning left the market, we continued to set up oranges with a high-altitude idea, perfectly pocketing this wave of downward space in the morning. So far, both dans have successfully pocketed more than 1,300 points of space for pie, and more than 100 points of space for ether. Whether the market is good or not depends on how you grasp it. The market has never lacked opportunities, but always lacks courageous people.

From the current market, the market did not continue after the decline in the morning, but continued to maintain sideways fluctuations. In fact, most of the recent market trends are like this. After each wave of market, it is sideways consolidation and accumulation. As for the current oscillation rhythm, we still follow the bullish trend and look for a rebound. After all, the air situation will not always go through a correction or oscillation, and it will also appear unilaterally again afterwards. In general, the current trend structure itself is a performance of a multi-head oscillation upward recovery, but it stops here after the decline. It can be seen that even if there is a retracement, it has not formed a continuous downward exploration. The overall trend structure is still mainly bullish. Then we will continue to maintain the idea of ​​entering the carriage and connecting to the bullish trend.

Bitcoin: 56500-56000 bullish, target 58500

Ethereum: 2320-2300 bullish, target 2450$BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BTC走势分析 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期