This is what is called the biggest scammer in the field of#digital_currencyknown as Bitrun.

He made his first million dollars when he was 18 years old.

Here's how much scammers make and how they scam

The post is awareness-raising.

Take it from me personally, an engineer.

Despite your warning and awareness of scammers, there are many people who fall victim to fraud and scams.

I will explain to you some of the methods that fraudsters use in fraud operations and access to users' data.

←Cryptocurrency scams are common, causing thousands of people to lose their money.

←Various fraud methods provide opportunities for scammers to profit at the expense of others.

Important questions that you will know with complete clarity

➔ How much do scammers earn?

➔ How can you protect yourself from losing money?

➔ Who are the main targets of scammers?

➔ What are the biggest scams he has done?

➔ How do computers most often get infected?

➔ What are the next steps fraudsters take after executing the fraud?

➤ Who are the main targets of scammers?

Focus with me to understand what their main goals are.

←They always care about people who have money ←They target people who are new to cryptocurrencies

←Just because someone has a lot of money doesn't mean they can protect themselves from fraud.

← Surprisingly, these people often do not secure their money better than beginners.

←They also care about profiting from a group of beginners.

←They install malware.

←It takes only 10 minutes to install a stealing program on a computer for beginners

How does it most often infect computers?

Here's how scammers use it

← User computers are infected by embedding malware in a file.

←They usually use files.


➤ Excel

Because people open them without thinking.

They also encrypt malware to bypass antivirus alerts.

➔ What are the next steps scammers take after infecting a user?

←Once the adversary's computer is infected, they can do whatever they want and install any software through remote access.

←The most common option is to install a stealer that will steal all the data and cache from your browsers.

←With this package of information, they can actually access your wallet.

Likewise 👌

➔ Two-factor authentication will not save you from infection in such a case.

➔ They will already have complete information about your computer, which will allow them to use it in an anti-detection browser.

➔ By specifying the correct IP address, they can easily access any site without the need for additional checks.

➤In particularly complex and critical cases

←They can remotely access the victim's computer after previously learning all of his passwords.

←In such cases, the victim sends the money “themselves” and “voluntarily.”

←They use such methods

- How much do experienced scammers earn?

←Sometimes they can make a million dollars from one hack, other times, nothing from 100 hacks.

But I know that experienced scammers are constantly making hundreds of thousands of dollars.

- How can you protect yourself from losing money?

✜ The most important question

I will try to share some key tips.

➔ First, make sure you have a paid antivirus installed on your computer.

- It does not mean that it is enough to protect you completely.

- But it will protect you from basic injuries when you click on something due to carelessness and lack of focus.

➤ Never open unknown files on your computer.

Which contains all your wallets and exchanges.

➤ Use protected mode or dedicated devices, where you can safely check the contents of those files.

➤ Also do not click on unfamiliar links, as they can quickly infect your computer.

➤ To protect your account on the platform

➔ Always set a password for withdrawal, which sometimes slows down the hacking process.

➔ Two-factor authentication is not the most useless thing, although it is not difficult to bypass it.

➔ In general, I recommend that you only store funds in a cold wallet and only connect it to a completely clean computer that is not used for anything else.

➔ In conclusion, the age of scammers in the cryptocurrency world is on the rise.

There is no escape from them for those who do not go out and listen to the advice of others.

➔ Use the basic tips shared in this topic to increase your security.

➔ Be vigilant and avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Finally, I hope you benefited and share it with your loved ones.

Thank you