The $DOGS token, associated with Dogs Mini, one of Telegram’s most popular games, has made headlines by setting a new record. On September 10, 2023, the official TON (The Open Network) account announced that out of 53 million total users, a staggering 42.2 million were eligible to receive airdrops as part of the token's campaign. Currently, around 17 million users have claimed these airdrops, reflecting the massive popularity of both Telegram-based games and the TON ecosystem.

This surge in activity comes at a time when the energy within the TON ecosystem was diminishing, particularly after the arrest of Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov. Despite this, games like Hamster Kombat and Dogs have continued to fuel excitement, a trend that began with Notcoin.In just two days, the value of DOGS surged by 21.22%, rising from 0.0009228 to 0.0011186 following Bitcoin’s recovery after a brief market dip.

As Bitcoin remains stable above $58,000, the potential for further growth in the TON ecosystem remains high, particularly with interest growing around other tokens like NOT and HMSTR.Although the $DOGS token has gained attention for its airdrop campaign, it still represents a small fraction of cryptocurrency transactions.

For comparison, Ether has over 273 million unique addresses. Nonetheless, the future for DOGS looks promising as it continues to captivate users within the memecoin space.

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