There is no need to say much about the current market. On the daily line, the middle Yang is connected to the Yin, and the price ratio keeps running below the middle track, and there is still a certain space from the middle track. The low point on the four-hour line moves up, and the price ratio climbs upward. Although it is connected to the Yin line, the bullish trend has not changed. In the small cycle, the price ratio has continued to fall, supported by the bottom, and the current price ratio has rebounded again, which is enough to prove that the previous low support level is a strong existence. We will continue to arrange Ju Duo Dan around the previous low. If the previous low is effectively broken, we can consider the reverse. Looking at the overall market today, the price ratio in the morning fluctuated downward and reached the low point of 56361, and then rebounded. At noon, it fluctuated upward to test the previous high but failed. In the afternoon, the price ratio fluctuated in a wide range. In the evening, the short position increased, and the price ratio fell again, and the long and short saws were fierce. Our idea of ​​​​retreating and taking more during the day was confirmed, and both the retracement and taking more were taken. At present, there are friends who enter the market later in the real market, just hold it patiently.

Bitcoin 56500-56200 long, target around 58000

      Ethereum 2310 long, target around 2400 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BNBChainMemeCoin