Overnight, BTC recovered to 58,000, and fell back to 57,000 in the morning. The recent market is full of doubts and entanglements, and even the pain of selling or liquidation. If a novice is infected by this emotion and stops thinking and trying, it is really unfortunate. Complaining too much will break your heart, and you should take a long-term view.

What stops us from seizing wealth opportunities?

As of September 2024, BTC has far outperformed various assets in terms of 1-year, 5-year or 10-year yields, average yields and total yields. In the past decade, the issuance of US dollar M2 has doubled, the S&P 500 has increased by 325% (CAGR 15.6%), the Nasdaq has increased by 433% (CAGR 18.2%), gold has increased by 88.8% (CAGR 6.6%), Berkshire Hathaway has increased by 244.9% (CAGR 13.18%), and BTC has increased by 13616% (CAGR 63.6%).

BTC has skyrocketed 10,000 times. At the peak of the 10,000-fold surge, many parties entered the market to take over.


The US stock market is "playing tricks" and the price of Bitcoin has risen as expected and touched 58,000

Yesterday, in the analysis, I mentioned that the 4-hour level has just entered an upward trend, and the 12-hour and daily levels have stop-loss signals. Before the opening of the US stock market in the evening, the price of the big cake has risen to above 55,500, but the dog dealer is also a bit bad. After the opening of the US stock market, it pretended to smash it down, and it fell by about $1,000 in 1 hour, inducing short selling! Absolutely inducing short selling! ! If you don’t have some self-control, you will be fooled and miss this rebound.

My long position of 54,000 was almost washed out, but fortunately I was firm enough, otherwise I would not have been able to benefit from this wave. The price has adjusted back at present, but it is not a big problem. If it rises too much, it will naturally adjust back. If it falls too much, it will inevitably rebound. The rebound and upward trend has been opened. Before the interest rate cut is implemented, the upward trend will continue. After the interest rate cut is implemented, we will run. What we speculate is an expectation.

Today's market analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level is in a downward trend, the 4-hour level is in an upward trend (if it fails to close at 57,000 before 12 o'clock, a downward signal will appear), and the 12-hour daily level is in an upward trend. The intraday pressure level is 59,100, and the support level is 54,900. It is recommended to buy low and buy low. 52,500 has been confirmed to be the bottom of this decline.


Many people are unable to cut their losses decisively, and they hold a bunch of junk coins that have lost 90%, but they are reluctant to sell them.

Common excuses include “stand up where you fell”, “give it another chance”, “it will be fine after this period of time”, “wait until you get your money back before selling”. These self-comforting ideas will eventually make people fall into them and unable to extricate themselves.

I am different. Once I find that the direction is wrong or there is a better option, I will change it decisively. Facts have proved that this is the right thing to do. Position adjustment is dynamic in nature. If a better opportunity appears, of course I have to give up the old position. Cost awareness should not be a burden. The key is to focus on the present and seek the best option.

I have been losing money in the cryptocurrency circle. How can I get my BTC and ETH back?

What should I do if I keep losing money in the cryptocurrency circle? ? ? ?

1. First of all, you need to figure out why you lost money. Did you lose money by yourself or did someone else lead you to lose money? If you lost money by yourself, you need to see whether you lost money by playing contracts or spot trading! ! ! Find out the reason for the loss and solve it! ! ! ! I examine myself three times a day! ! ! If you lost money by someone else, it’s even simpler, just stop following him! ! !

2. Most people lose money because they hold on to the spot at the beginning, then get stuck and want to make a quick profit, so they think about making a profit through leverage!!! As a result, once the leverage is turned on, they can’t stop, and then enjoy the pleasure of a 100x contract!!! Then the end result is a margin call!!!

The beginning is here, so why don’t we adjust the strategy from the beginning, don’t hold it tightly, hold it for waves! Many whales are now starting to trade in BTC and ETH! Swings can also increase the liquidity of the currency circle! If you keep holding DOGS, you will definitely lose money! But if you keep trading in waves, you will also be very happy!

It may be said that the band can earn 5%, 10%, or 15% at a time, but the U in your hand is mobile and active. If you do well in the band, you can earn as much as you would if you just hold it, and you can sleep more peacefully! FLOKI and PEOPLE posted it yesterday, and I got it today!

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