❗️❗️❗️ The Truth About Blum ❗️❗️❗️

Let's set the record straight on Blum's token and its rumored $0.5 price per token. As Blum prepares for tokenization and exchange listings, many investors are hoping for high returns. However, here's the reality.

Blum has around 23 million active players. If each player has earned an average of 50,000 tokens, around 1.15 trillion tokens would need to be minted to cover player needs alone—excluding the shares for creators and investors.

Even with a highly optimistic $1 billion in initial investments, the token price would only be about $0.0008. This means players could see only $40 for their 50,000 tokens. Expecting a $0.5 token price may not be realistic based on these figures.

Market conditions can vary, but inflated price expectations might not hold up.

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