🔥When to buy and sell your coins?

According to an analysis chart by Samuel Benner:

2023 is said to be a good time to buy #Bitcoin .

2026 is a good time to sell.

Now, as 2024 draws to a close:

Many people are selling their Bitcoins after buying them at a bargain price last year.

Some new entrants are waiting for the price to drop further to buy.

There is a famous saying in investing: "Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful." However, this is not official financial advice.

The gist of this message is:

There will be good investment opportunities when many people are pessimistic about the market.

Market trends will change over time, we need to have a long-term plan and wait patiently.

It is important to do your own research on your investments and make your own decisions, not just rely on recommendations or listen to someone's advice.

Are you currently:

Buying ❤️ or Selling 👍 Doing nothing 😁 ???
