📈 DigitalX's Funds Navigate Volatile Crypto Market 📊


DigitalX has developed a range of innovative funds to help investors navigate the unpredictable crypto market 🌊. These funds provide secure access to a diversified portfolio of digital assets, aiming to produce positive returns over the medium term 📈.

🔹 _DigitalX Bitcoin ETF (BTXX)_: A low-cost, flexible Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) for retail investors, traded in Australian dollars 💸.

🔹 _Bitcoin Fund_: A passive buy-and-hold investment strategy on BTC, with institutional custody, insurance, and independent administration in a unit trust 🔒.

🔹 _Digital Asset Fund_: An actively managed portfolio of Top 20 assets by market cap, focused on growth, utility, and long-term sustainability factors 🚀.

🔹 _Real World Asset Tokenisation Fund (RWAx)_: A diversified portfolio of real-world digital asset tokens, including fractional co-ownership of Australian residential properties 🏠.

These funds cater to various investor needs and risk appetites, providing:

📊 Diversification

🔒 Security

📈 Growth potential

DigitalX's funds are designed to help investors navigate the crypto market's volatility, providing a secure and diversified investment approach 🔜.

👏 By offering a range of investment options, DigitalX empowers investors to make informed decisions and potentially capitalize on the growth of digital assets 📊.

Stay informed about DigitalX's funds and the latest developments in the crypto market 🔍.