After my friend opened the rdnt contract yesterday, the housekeeper set the stop loss at 0.0734 for the first time. When the contract position had a floating profit of 4% (calculated at the opening price, excluding leverage), the housekeeper added a stop loss order of 0.07656 at 0:33. This is because when the position has a floating profit, it actually represents danger because it fluctuates. Then the stop loss needs to be moved up to be closer to the current price trend. If the market reverses downward, it will only lose 2 points. However, if it continues to rise to 6 points, the housekeeper will continue to push the stop loss to 1% above the cost price to protect the contract position from loss. Figure 3 shows the logic of the contract housekeeper pushing the stop loss. It can also support customized solutions. Welcome to chat. It is currently open to all Binance users for free. #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $SOL