Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday, the markets took losses, largely driven by ETF traders. At times, ETF trends differ from BTC trends because ETFs don't always follow continuous trends, while BTC does.

Many people believe analysis is easy, but it's not. When market momentum shifts, I need to share updates at the right time.

I'm not like others who share higher timeframe analyses and give the next update tomorrow or long after. So please don't compare me with others.

I think it's better to stop providing BTC and ETH analysis for day trading. I might start focusing on information sharing, article publishing, and news updates instead. That way, I won't be giving specific trading instructions anymore, and you can trade on your own.

Why am I making this decision? When I give continuous profits, people remain silent, and there's no support. But as soon as there's a loss, many come forward to criticize. So, it's better to stop providing analysis for daily profits and instead focus on market news and insights.

Thank you.