Brother Sunshine: 57800 is a pressure point for Bitcoin, and there are pressure points above this point. It should not come down so quickly during the day. It is estimated that it will go sideways at this point and wait for the U.S. stock market to open in the evening to show the direction. Bitcoin hit a low of 52550 on September 6. From the daily line, it corresponds to the day of August 5, which is considered to have completed the 2nd step of the daily line. At the same time, this downward trend has been running for more than a month, and it is possible to reverse upward. The spot continues to hold. The short-term support of Bitcoin is 56200. It is estimated that it can run above this position until the evening. #美国经济软着陆? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH $SOL