At midnight, the price of big cake continued to increase, with big cake reaching 58100 and the price of concubine reaching 2382. The overall market did not rise in the morning, but continued to rise in the evening. The strategy also accurately reached the target point. Our real trading at midnight also made less profit due to early exit, but the profit margin was still okay. Big cake arranged a long order near 54950 last night, and left the market with a profit margin of 1500 points. Concubine entered and left the market at 2280 at the same time, leaving a profit margin of nearly 60 points. Although the exit was slightly early, the market was too strong and there was a lot of room for profit. As the saying goes, it is safe to take the profit margin. How was the performance of friends at midnight?

From the current market, the exchange rate has been rising unimpeded, and the upper support resistance has not been given, which also proves the strength of the bulls and the market sentiment. In terms of the daily structure, the current market has a big positive K rising to recover the lost ground on Friday. There is a trend of rushing to the middle track again. After the highest point in the day, it has been adjusted by 1,000 points, but the correction of the market is obviously not enough. The correction of the market is insufficient, so the strength is still bullish, so the bullish thinking remains unchanged during the day.

Big cake can be more than 56300-56800, with a target of around 58500. Auntie can be more than 2320-2350, with a target of around 2420#美国经济软着陆? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH