September 9, 2024 at 21:54

A more detailed analysis based on the data in the chart:

Last Price: 5.1428 USDT. The price is in an uptrend, but there is a significant resistance above at 5.19. The price has tried to break this resistance several times but has not been able to break it.

Moving Averages (MA):

MA(7): 4.9953MA(25): 4.7885MA(99): 5.2124 The price is above the short-term moving averages MA(7) and MA(25).

This suggests that short-term buyers are strong in the market. However, the long-term MA(99) is still above the price, meaning there could be long-term resistance.

If the price breaks through MA(99), it could be a significant bullish signal.

Support and Resistance:

Support: The nearest support level is 4.7666. If the price stays above this level, a drop below this level is not expected.

Resistance: The 5.1900 level seems to be a significant resistance. If it can break this level, an upward move could gain momentum and head towards the 5.30 level.

Volume (VOL): The volume is 294.87 million $USDT in the 24-hour period and the volume of $TON token is 58.85 million. The increase in volume supports the upward movement of the price. This shows that buyers are active in the market.

Overall Trend: There is a positive trend in the short term as the price is trading above the moving averages and the increase in volume supports this. However, the long-term outlook is a bit uncertain as it is below the MA(99). There is strong resistance around the MA(99) level of 5.21.

Important Levels: If the price falls below 5.00, it may retest the support at 4.76. Above, if the 5.19 level is broken, 5.30 and above levels may be targeted.

Conclusion: There is a positive momentum in the short term, but the breakdown of the 5.19 resistance and whether the price can stay above the long-term resistance at 5.21, MA(99), should be followed carefully. Although the increase in volume supports the rise, profit taking can also be observed at these levels.