Why do I think the bull market will come as expected?

Is it just because the previous four years have been fulfilled, will it be fulfilled this time?

Yes, to a large extent

Didn’t the previous four-year bull market just meet certain rules? Can’t this time be an exception?

I can only say that if you insist on thinking this way, then the only exception will be you

Some rules, since they can be met for more than ten years, are likely to continue in the future, because this is [consensus]

The consensus is there, and various interest groups can use this basic consensus to make a good flag

Whether it is to create momentum to cut leeks or to take advantage of the east wind to do things, the bull market is approaching and the bull market will come, which is very important

#美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期