📍List of market financing trends in August~

1. A total of 111 financing events occurred in August, generating 780 million in public financing funds;

2. Infrastructure is the track with the largest amount of financing, followed by DeFi and social;

3. The protocol with the largest amount of financing in August was @StoryProtocol in the social field. The more detailed track is a Layer1 centered around IP, which belongs to the category of infrastructure;

4. But the project that impressed me the most was @SaharaLabsAI, which spent a lot of effort on market launch that month;

5. The one that conducted TGE after the first 20 financings was @EMCprotocol , the financing announced at the end of last month, recently completed TGE, and there is no head among the exchanges listed;

6. Nearly 40% of the financing events were between 1 million and 3 million US dollars, and the median financing amount for the whole month was 4.9 million US dollars;

7. Among several investment institutions that have attracted much attention in the market, they mainly bet on four tracks: infrastructure, games, social and Defi;

8. Among them, @BinanceLabs has the widest investment scope, covering every track, especially in the infrastructure track. The amount invested by Binance Labs is the sum of the other five institutions.