Before the bull market comes, when should retail investors enter the market?

Remember, don't always think about frequent buying and selling, that way will not go far! If you want to make big money with a small capital, you don't rely on daily operations, but you have to have a big picture, see accurately, manage your positions well, and stop losses strictly. Think about it, using 10,000 to turn 1 million does not rely on chasing those fancy techniques, but on understanding the tricks of the trade and having real skills.

Making money is like farming, good land means good harvest. You have to pick a "fertile land" and don't waste your efforts on "dry land". Some people always think about making small money quickly and expect compound interest every day. The difficulty is like walking on a tightrope, and you will fall if you are not careful. Frequent trading, to put it bluntly, is the greed in people's hearts, always thinking about getting rich quickly. But real masters can restrain themselves and choose the best opportunity to make a move.

So, if you don't have the diamond drill, don't take on porcelain work. Before you have developed a pair of sharp eyes, you may be on the road of losing money, either making some money and then losing it, or losing all the time. The real speculators have a good understanding and only seize the best opportunities. So, don't rush to enter the market, practice your inner strength first, and when the time comes, it will naturally be yours.


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