📈 Trading Tip Alert! 📈


Ever notice how some price points end in ".00"? It’s not just a coincidence—it could be a powerful signal for a market reversal! 🔄

Check out the screenshot I’ve provided and look closely at the price with my red circle. Notice anything interesting? That ".00" might just be the key to spotting potential trend reversals.

Here’s why this works (80-90% of the time, but remember, nothing is guaranteed):

1. .00 Price Points: These often follow significant moves (up or down) with high trading volume.

2. K-line Patterns: If you see a K-line with a long shadow and ending in ".00," it’s worth paying attention to.

3. Volume Check: Compare the current volume with previous bars. If they’re similar and combined with certain K-line patterns (like long shadows or doji stars), it’s a strong signal.

📝 Quick Recap:

- Look for .00 after big volume moves.

- Watch for K-line patterns with long shadows.

- Check if current volume matches previous bars.

Like, follow, and drop your questions in the comments! I’m a trader from Changjiang, sharing these insights to help you navigate the market. Thanks for your support! ❀

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