The price ratio fluctuated downward at noon, giving our short positions that were not traded in the morning an opportunity to exit. Although the holding power is not so impressive, it is impossible to expect to be full in the current situation. In the short term, we will treat it with a fluctuating mindset, and both long and short positions can be held.

From the current market, the two pull-ups in the white market were under great pressure. The frequent upper and lower shadows in the morning are enough to show that it is difficult to clearly determine the long and short directions. On the hourly line, the continuous small broken positive lines show an upward trend, but the longer upper shadow line reflects the obvious upper resistance, indicating the possibility of a later decline. In the short term, the price ratio is in a wide range of fluctuations, and it is expected to continue. We will maintain a fluctuating mindset before the trend is clear.

Bitcoin 55100-55400 short, target around 53700

Ether 2320-2340 short, target around 2240#美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 #BNBChainMemeCoin #美联储何时降息?