Author: DeBox, Source: Author’s Twitter @DeBox_Social; Translated by: Baishui, Golden Finance
We are excited to introduce $BOX, a core part of the DeBox ecosystem with multiple use cases.
Payment: $BOX is considered the basic payment method on DeBox, including game items, pre-sales, premium features, etc.
Staking: Get rewards from the DeBox ecosystem protocol.
Destruction: Coming soon.
Lending: $BOX can be used as collateral in the DeLend protocol.
Governance: $BOX is the governance token of the DeBox ecosystem.
Deflation: Total supply will decrease based on activity.
Allocation and Vesting
Foundation: 20%
Ecosystem incentives: 35%
Foundation and ecosystem incentives will be distributed to DeTox protocol (DeSwap/C2C asset exchange, etc.) users and DeBox NFT holders.
Launch Marketing: 1% - released on TGE
Airdrop: 5% - released on TGE
Investors: 20% - released 24 months after TGE
Team: 17% - released 48 months after TGE
Liquidity: 2% - released on TGE
Unlock Details
DeSwap: distributed for 180 days
Community rewards: distributed for 180 days
DGS daily rewards: distributed for 180 days
DGS Egg Rewards: 25% released by TGE, the rest released linearly over 12 months
Currently, vDBX can be claimed to $BOX at a ratio of 1:1, and the claim page will be released soon.
The $BOX journey may be challenging, but the prospects are bright. We are passionate about building permissionless, extremely simple, yet powerful social infrastructure tools for every community and every person.