Pavel Durov, who can be described as the breaking and CEO of the Telegram company, has recently been apprehended in Paris. đŸ„Č

The arrest was made because police claim that the Telegram application has been misused — by drug 💊💉traffickers and child pornography 🔞distributors.

Durov was stuck across the border in Paris-Le Bourget Airport where he was released from police custody after almost four days of questioning. Bail was set at 5 million euros đŸ’¶and he is required to report to police stations twice a week. French authorities have pulled up charges of him being complicit in the activities of a criminal institute managing an internet portal that facilitates the organized crime system which is punishable by harsh penalties.

TelegramđŸ§‘â€đŸ’»is a particular messenger’s application inviting to be used with its long group chats and channels built in with the feature for end-to-end encryption exclusive in-use in one-on-one communication, in noway for group communications by default. This raised two potential concerns.

For the next story, we’ll go way back on how he started the company. Don’t forget to follow and comment what you think.