Hackers employ various tactics to compromise Binance accounts and steal assets. Be aware of these common techniques to safeguard your account:

1. Social Engineering: Hackers manipulate users into revealing sensitive information through phishing emails, fake calls, or deceptive messages. Verify sources and be cautious!

2. Password Hacking: Hackers use brute force attacks to guess passwords. Use strong, unique passwords and enable 2FA.

3. Phishing Emails: Fake emails mimic Binance or related services, tricking users into clicking malicious links or entering credentials on fake websites. Check sender addresses and verify links.

4. SIM Swapping: Hackers gain control of your phone number to intercept 2FA codes. Secure your phone number and contact your provider if you suspect foul play.

5. Malware: Malicious software like keyloggers tracks keystrokes to capture login details. Avoid unknown downloads and keep your system protected.

6. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MITM): Hackers intercept communications between you and Binance, especially on unsecured networks. Use secure connections and avoid public Wi-Fi.

7. API Exploits: Hackers exploit poorly secured or poorly coded APIs connected to your account. Be cautious with third-party services and review API permissions regularly.

8. Dusting Attacks: Small cryptocurrency amounts are sent to track transactions and identify your true identity. Regularly check your account for unexpected transactions.

Stay safe by:

- Using strong passwords and enabling 2FA

- Avoiding suspicious links and emails

- Securing your devices and network

- Staying informed about security best practices

Protect your assets and remain vigilant!

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