I do not have any skills, qualifications or knowledge about Web3

All you need is to find the right job and learn

Here are 10 jobs that will pay you between $70,000 and $300,000 per year🧵👇

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1/➫ The current demand for Web 3 staff is huge, making job hunting easier

❍ There are even jobs that are similar to Web 2 roles but pay double the salary

So, why aren't Web 3.0 jobs more common than Web 2.0 jobs?

2/➫ The answer is simple: many people just consider Web3 work too difficult to handle.

❍ But really, all you need to do is:

• Choose a job and find out what you need to do

• Research how to use ChatGPT

• Ready to work

That's all you need to start your Web3 journey

3/➫ The salary here is not only double the salary at Web2, but you also have:

• Flexible schedule

• 2-4 working hours

• Work remotely

❍ And the biggest advantage is that you will improve your knowledge of Web3 and start making money yourself

4/➫ Currently, there are about 50 thousand jobs in 8 thousand different projects

❍ I have browsed through many job websites, especially on web3career

And list 7 best and easiest Web3 jobs that suit every one of you👇


5/➫ Social Media Manager or SMM: Average Salary - $75,000/year

❍ Almost every company today has a social media manager, making this role one of the most popular

❍ Main responsibility is to implement effective brand promotion and oversee the project's content strategy

Complexity: Low

6/➫ Content Creator: Average Salary - $70,000/year

❍ Since all companies manage social media, they constantly need content for their posts

❍ Your job will be to create interesting, engaging, entertaining or professional content that attracts users

Complexity: Low

7/➫ Marketing Manager: Average salary - $60,000/year

❍ Each project develops its own marketing plan, so you don't need to create a strategy or anything like that

❍ Your role is simply to find influencers or other projects to promote with

Complexity: Medium

8/➫ Project Manager: Average salary - $100,000/year

❍ Companies that handle a large number of tasks that need to be tracked

❍ That's where Project Management comes in, focusing on optimizing internal workflows and identifying and analyzing potential risks

Complexity: Medium

9/➫ Copywriter: Average salary - $60,000/year

❍ Copywriters are responsible for drafting advertisements and sales copy, intended to promote a company's products or services and attract new audiences.

Complexity: Low

10/➫ HR Consultant: Average salary - $50,000 - $500,000/year

❍ This mainly applies to large companies with many employees.

❍ The human resources department monitors and coordinates various aspects of employee performance.

Complexity: Medium

11/➫ Smart Contract Engineer: Average Salary - $200,000/year

❍ This is a highly sought after profession.

❍ Your role will be to design, develop and deploy smart contracts

Complexity: Hard

➫ I hope you found this article helpful!

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