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As Bitcoin once again takes center stage, a wave of innovators is pushing the boundaries of its potential. Traditionally regarded as a stable store of value, Bitcoin is now being transformed into a platform for decentralized finance (DeFi), with companies like Bitlayer leading the charge. In a recent conversation with Roundtable anchor Rob Nelson, Bitlayer's co-founder Charlie Hu delved into how the company is driving forward the integration of advanced financial functions within the Bitcoin network.

Unlocking DeFi Opportunities on Bitcoin

For a long time, Ethereum has been the dominant force in the world of smart contracts, fueling the rapid rise of DeFi and NFTs. However, 2023 has seen a surge of initiatives aimed at bringing similar capabilities to the Bitcoin blockchain, renowned for its exceptional security and decentralization. Bitlayer co-founder Charlie Hu is at the forefront of this transition, working tirelessly to capitalize on Bitcoin’s unparalleled security architecture to build a new wave of decentralized financial services.

In his discussion with Nelson, Hu outlined the distinct advantages Bitcoin provides for DeFi development. "Bitcoin's security is unrivaled," Hu emphasized. "It's the most decentralized, tamper-proof network available." He explained that Bitcoin's transaction finality—where transactions are permanently recorded on the blockchain—offers a solid foundation for building secure decentralized financial systems. This, according to Hu, positions Bitcoin as a strong contender in the DeFi arena.

Transforming Bitcoin into a DeFi Powerhouse

Bitlayer is not just envisioning DeFi on Bitcoin—it is actively building the required infrastructure to make it a reality. Hu detailed how Bitlayer’s layer-two solutions are paving the way for Bitcoin to support an array of financial services, including lending, staking, and trading. "Our layer-two solutions now enable Bitcoin to support various financial services," Hu explained, marking a significant milestone in Bitcoin’s evolution from a passive asset to an active financial instrument.

One of the most exciting advancements is the introduction of yield-generating opportunities for Bitcoin holders. Traditionally, Bitcoin has been viewed as a passive store of value, similar to digital gold. However, with the advent of Bitlayer’s technology, Bitcoin users can now stake their assets and engage in on-chain financial products, providing new avenues for earning passive income. This breakthrough not only broadens Bitcoin’s utility but also increases its attractiveness to a wider array of investors.

Financial Impact and Growing Institutional Interest

The concept of DeFi on Bitcoin is no longer just a theoretical exercise; it is becoming a reality. Bitlayer has garnered significant investment from major financial institutions, including Franklin Templeton, and has accumulated over $600 million in total value locked (TVL) on its platform. This substantial investment and participation from traditional financial players highlight the growing confidence in Bitlayer’s approach and the increasing interest in Bitcoin’s expanding capabilities.

Hu pointed out the practical implications of these innovations, noting that the ability to earn yield on Bitcoin could dramatically shift perceptions of the asset. "Bitcoin hasn't offered yield opportunities for the last 15 years," Hu said. "With Bitlayer’s technology, that’s now changing." This development could elevate Bitcoin beyond its current status as digital gold, transforming it into a more versatile financial asset that appeals to both institutional and retail investors seeking higher returns.

Bitcoin: From Digital Gold to Financial Platform

Throughout the conversation, the concept of Bitcoin as both a store of value and a robust financial platform emerged as a central theme. Rob Nelson compared Bitcoin to traditional assets like gold, prized for their ability to preserve wealth. But as Hu pointed out, Bitcoin’s future holds far more than being merely digital gold. The introduction of DeFi functionalities positions Bitcoin to serve as a multifaceted platform capable of supporting diverse financial operations.


The advent of DeFi on Bitcoin, spearheaded by innovators like Bitlayer, signifies a major transformation in the crypto landscape. By harnessing Bitcoin’s unparalleled security and transaction finality, Bitlayer is transforming the blockchain from a simple store of value into a dynamic financial tool. As more financial services are integrated into the Bitcoin network, the cryptocurrency’s role in the global economy is set to expand, attracting new participants and reshaping our understanding of digital assets. With DeFi on Bitcoin gaining traction, the future of finance appears poised for a more decentralized and secure evolution.