➔ WEB3 is the new generation of the Internet that relies on blockchain and decentralization technologies.

Unlike the traditional Internet (WEB2) where large corporations control data and services, the WEB3 relies on distributing power among users and different entities through

➔ Smart contracts

➔ Cryptocurrencies

➲ How does WEB3 work?

➤ Decentralization:

➔ All applications and websites in the WEB3 are based on the blockchain, which makes them decentralized.

➔ Data is distributed across many devices around the world, and no one party can control the network alone.

➤ Self-identity:

➔ In WEB3, you can use one digital wallet to manage all your accounts.

➔ Your identity across different platforms and applications, without having to rely on a third party.

➤Smart contracts:

➔ They are digital contracts that work automatically when certain conditions are met.

➔ These contracts are the basis for running decentralized applications (dApps) on WEB3.

➲ WEB3 Features:

➤ Data Control:

➔ Thanks to decentralization, users have complete control over their personal data.

➔ No company can collect or sell your data without your permission.

➤ Transparency:

➔ Since data and contracts are on the blockchain, it is impossible to modify them without everyone's knowledge, which enhances transparency and trust.

➤ Security:

➔#Blockchaintechnology makes it difficult to hack networks or tamper with data, providing a high level of security.

➤ Profitability:

➔ Users in WEB3 can earn rewards by participating in the network, whether by mining #cryptocurrencies

➔ Providing decentralized services.


WEB3 is the future of the internet

- Transparency

- safety

Users have full control over their data and digital identity.

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