6 contract skills, learning to turn over is not a dream!

These 6 contract skills are very practical, share them with friends, remember to collect them!

1. Control positions to avoid confusion

If you don't have time to analyze the market and don't have enough time to watch the market, it is easy to affect your judgment. So you must learn to control your positions and the number of operations, and keeping the rhythm is the kingly way.

2. Buffett's stability and Soros's flexibility

Buffett's philosophy is to keep the principal is to keep the wealth, don't lose money. Soros emphasizes fast in and out, follow the trend, and never go against the trend. In a bear market, positions must be controlled within 20% to avoid being dragged down by the market.

3. Admit mistakes in time to avoid losing control

Loss control is the most dangerous. Once you make a mistake, you must adjust quickly, don't wait for the loss to become larger before regretting it. The sooner you admit your mistakes, the smaller the loss, which is very critical.

4. Decisive entry, execution first

When the entry signal is clear, don't hesitate, act decisively. After careful consideration, take action when it is time to act, follow the plan, and execution determines success or failure.

5. Stop profit and stop loss, get rid of the mentality of retail investors

Many retail investors have a common problem, they hold on when they lose, and run away when they make a little profit. Such operations will only lead to heavy losses or small profits. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly set stop profit and stop loss, and refuse emotional operations.

6. Go with the trend, don't be attached to the price

Don't think about buying the bottom just because the price is low, the trend is the key. Dare to chase when it rises, don't talk about the bottom when it falls, don't let the price high or low affect your judgment, and overcome psychological obstacles to go further.

These skills, master them carefully, you will be more comfortable on the road of trading!

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