Overall, the market rebounded today. Bitcoin reached $54,800 and Ethereum reached $2,310. After yesterday's big plunge, many people couldn't find their way. Bitcoin and Ethereum began to pull back yesterday morning. Bitcoin also reached its lowest point of $52,510 yesterday morning, and Ethereum also reached its recent low of $2,150. After the non-agricultural data and unemployment data came out, Laoshan also clearly indicated that the United States began to PUN. Bitcoin and Ethereum also rebounded, and many people were shouting that the bull market is coming. Laoshan also pointed out that we should be careful of being trapped. I didn't expect a sudden attack. Many people were woken up by Laoshan in the early morning yesterday to buy the bottom, and basically all of them made money. The previous articles reminded us many times that if Bitcoin does not hold at $54,000, it will touch the 50,000 mark. Fortunately, the 50,000 mark is relatively strong this time. Ethereum fell below 2,200 and looked at the 2,000 mark below. The next idea remains unchanged and the focus is on the 50,000 mark. Ethereum focuses on the 2,000 mark. The upper pressure of Bitcoin is at $56,000, and the pressure of Ethereum is at $2,350.

As the time for rate cuts is getting shorter and shorter, many people are excited to think that the bull market is coming, 70,000, 80,000, etc. Now the market makers have just started, and the bulls and bears are killing each other back and forth. The rapid rebound after the sharp drop on August 5 was because the market makers closed the short position. This time the market makers' short position is still there, so the rebound is not very strong. In the last 10 days, there will be a rate cut. At that time, the market makers may pull up first and then fall. Wait patiently. Laoshan will notify everyone when the layout can be made. As I said, with the bull and bear shuttle, everyone's thinking must also change! #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 $BTC