Why are so many people obsessed with cryptocurrency speculation?

Do you know Yang Xi? He was the one who robbed Xiang Yu's leg. The incident of Yang Xi robbing Xiang Yu's leg became the starting point of the Yang family's fortune. What about you? Why did he rob Xiang Yu's leg among so many people? Doesn't he know that the first bird to stick out will be shot?

Doesn't he know that when the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog is cooked, when the flying birds are gone, the good bow is hidden, when the enemy country is broken, the counselors die? This is nothing more than a gamble. If you win the gamble, you have everything. Think about it carefully. You have been studying since you were 6 years old. Isn't it your parents betting that you can rely on this path in the future?

When you take out a loan to buy a house, aren't you also carrying dozens of times of leverage to open a long position? Therefore, everyone in the currency circle knows that those who open a long position will be blown up. But those owners who have bought a house are still like giant babies. When the house price drops, they go to the sales office to make trouble

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