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“Based on cutting-edge technologies such as AI and blockchain, and through in-depth cooperation with partners such as D3X, EraAI is leading investors to open a new era of “looking forward” in an intelligent way.”

01 The Pareto Principle

The financial market is not short of investors, but short of smart investors. In fact, smart investors can always seize key opportunities in the market through in-depth research and formulate effective investment strategies. This is true regardless of the market conditions or market cycles.

As early as 1896, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto proposed the 80/20 rule theory. When studying wealth distribution, he found that Italy's wealth was mainly concentrated in the hands of a few people, with about 20% of the people owning 80% of the wealth. Of course, the 80/20 rule is also particularly applicable in the field of financial investment, and it has been further extended to many aspects.

From the perspective of the return ratio of the financial market, about 20% of smart investors can obtain 80% of the market returns. These few "smart" investors are usually composed of professional investment institutions, professional investors, core practitioners in the financial field, etc. These smart decision makers can usually accurately grasp the first-hand financial information and make the best and wise decisions in real time. The remaining 80% of investors are small and medium-sized long-tail players. They stand at the end of resources and information. Information asymmetry causes them to react slowly and even often interfere with their roles. The following cartoon well explains the current situation of ordinary investors.

Of course, if we understand the 80/20 rule more deeply, we will find that:

  • 20% of assets may contribute 80% of returns.

  • 20% of your trading strategies may generate 80% of your profits.

  • A 20% risk factor can also result in an 80% loss.

Although we can draw a conclusion from these points, that is, investors should focus on the most important factors to optimize investment results and improve risk management efficiency, for most investors, this conclusion is tantamount to useless "chicken soup for the soul". How to identify high-quality assets? How to formulate the strategy for the 20%? How do we identify the 20% risk? After all, 80% of people are in the information cocoon for a long time.

So do ordinary investors still have a chance? Don’t worry, AI is bringing new opportunities.

02 Machines replace people, a qualitative change in productivity

Since the end of the 18th century, several industrial revolutions have brought about qualitative breakthroughs in human productivity and collaboration. As machines continue to replace humans, human productivity has also continued to change in just over two hundred years. With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, technologies such as AI have continued to achieve breakthroughs, and human decision-making efficiency is greatly improved. In fact, since technology companies represented by OpenAI launched a series of AIGC large models including ChatGPT and Sora, ordinary users have gradually become direct beneficiaries of AI technology iteration.

In fact, the existing AIGC big models are usually based on past data. They give users some suggestions through analysis of historical data, and can even replace users to realize some content demand intentions. These AIGC big models are like more intelligent search engines that can help users provide some suggestions in decision-making.

Of course, in addition to the AIGC model, there are some AI models that focus more on the financial market. These models can provide users with wise advice on future investment decisions through financial historical data, strategy library and algorithm engine.

Although the field is still in its early stages of development, it has already produced some high-quality and market-proven mature models, the most representative of which is EraAI. EraAI's investment decision-making model focuses on the crypto market and the traditional financial market. Based on a mature strategy system with automated execution, it can help investors continue to achieve profitability in a smart way in many fields such as contract hedging transactions, quantitative trading, cross-chain arbitrage, blockchain games, and a series of traditional financial entities.

It is reported that the EraAI intelligent trading system has an average daily profit of 0.75% in the trading market (the overall market sector), and in the crypto market, the system can achieve a 30% profit trading record in 30 days. At present, the EraAI system is also becoming an important tool for many financial investors to make market decisions.

03 EraAI: Breaking the information cocoon and the 80/20 rule, a new “brain” for ordinary investors to make decisions

EraAI is a decentralized intelligent financial service platform built specifically for investors, positioned as the world's first AI-driven comprehensive derivatives service platform. The platform integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and works closely with AI financial data analysis infrastructure D3X to provide investors with comprehensive financial services.

Through EraAI, investors can obtain accurate data support and professional market analysis, solving the problems of information asymmetry, decision delays and emotional interference that are common in traditional financial markets. The platform uses AI-driven intelligent analysis to help investors make smarter decisions in complex financial markets, thereby improving investment returns and optimizing the investment experience.

Three core technologies

Focusing on the EraAI platform itself, it mainly consists of three core modules, namely the AI ​​intelligent engine, the intelligent trading system and the data analysis system. Different modules and different divisions of labor ensure the efficient operation of the intelligent system.

  • EraAI’s brain: AI intelligence engine

The AI ​​intelligent engine is the brain of the EraAI ecosystem. It integrates a huge model algorithm with trillions of parameters and a huge computing power engine in a distributed manner, as well as a database of different financial markets that is updated in real time. It also continuously conducts in-depth training and reasoning on its own AI model through blockchain governance, and continuously optimizes the strategy library and algorithm model.

The intelligent engine is driven by a highly scalable, extensible and highly compatible operating system (compatible with various blockchains and financial systems), which enables the system to efficiently mine data and continuously provide professional consulting advice to ordinary investors, investment institutions and corporate users. With the support of a series of partners including D3X, EraAI's AI intelligent engine has reached the industry-leading level.

  • Execution agency: Intelligent trading system

Based on the decision-making AI intelligent engine, EraAI has further launched an intelligent trading system that can help users execute profit intentions with one click to capture the optimal profit solution from the financial market.

Focusing on the intelligent trading system itself, it uses the AI ​​engine to continuously capture market opportunities in microseconds, executes trading strategies in an ultra-high frequency manner, and multiplies the profit efficiency of traders. Most importantly, the transaction execution process of the entire system is decentralized and automated based on smart contracts, which is credible and secure. At present, the specific services of the intelligent trading system include intelligent arbitrage, strategic trading, and copy trading robots. Based on these services, ordinary investors can achieve stable and safe profits without making their own decisions and trading in person.

By providing a variety of trading solutions, EraAI is significantly lowering the opportunity threshold and profit threshold for ordinary investors. EraAI is currently collaborating with a series of strategic partners on technology and continuously making breakthrough progress in ultra-high frequency trading and intelligent trading.

  • Power engine: data analysis system

AI systems use data as energy. Only by traversing comprehensive and real-time financial data and on-chain data can the model remain advanced. At present, EraAI's data analysis system is playing the role of the power engine of the EraAI platform. It can process and capture on-chain and off-chain data through NLP models and a distributed data network. At the same time, through the combination of social media public opinion systems and market data, it can gain multi-dimensional insights into market sentiment and potential market trends. The data analysis system will be deeply integrated with the AI ​​intelligent engine, which will not only provide users with professional analysis of market data in various industries, but also provide power for the operation of intelligent trading systems.

Based on a complete AI engine system, the EraAI system is currently able to achieve stable profits in many fields such as contract hedging transactions, quantitative trading, cross-chain arbitrage, GameFi, and the real economy. As more and more partners and traders join the system, the profitability and profit range of the EraAI platform will continue to increase.

Top Partner D3X

D3X is an important technical partner of the EraAI platform. The EraAI platform is currently expanding its series of functions through in-depth integration with D3X.

As the next generation of AI financial data analysis infrastructure, D3X can provide real-time insights into all data indicators of the on-chain market, including on-chain transaction data, market sentiment (positive, negative), emergencies, etc., through a complete AI solution, and respond to market changes at millisecond speeds. At the same time, D3X uses artificial intelligence technology to collect information from different sources, conduct sentiment and technical analysis, and build personalized financial profiles. By analyzing the user's trading history, behavior, and risk tolerance, D3X provides a customizable and automated personal financial assistant that tailors personal investment preferences, enables traders to make informed decisions, and improves trading efficiency. The cooperation and integration with D3X can help the EraAI platform further establish and deepen its technical advantages, including the iteration of AI smart engine algorithms, further improvement and innovation of the data system, and so on.

At the same time, the new integration is also improving the security of the EraAI platform. The D3X system is always monitoring the on-chain data in real time and providing an early warning system to identify abnormal transactions and potential risks, ensuring the safety of user assets.

On the other hand, D3X is a well-known AI platform in the financial market. It has received investments from many first-tier institutions and has established partnerships with many well-known blockchain projects. D3X's successful operation in the market and its influence in the industry will not only bring strong endorsement and market trust to EraAI, but also enable it to achieve rapid growth with the help of D3X's market resources. Through cooperation, EraAI can quickly enter D3X's established mature market network and continuously expand its user base.

In addition, EraAI is currently deeply integrated with multiple technical teams at the technical level, achieving seamless integration of leading AI and blockchain technologies, and collaborating with multiple partners on data resources, enabling EraAI to conduct more accurate market analysis and investment decision-making market collaboration.

Through in-depth cooperation with a series of high-quality partners including D3X, EraAI will not only continue to achieve iterations and breakthroughs in technology, but also, with the support of huge market resources, be able to quickly expand the market and enhance brand power. Under the strategy of globalization and compliance, it will continue to capture funds and users and accelerate the development process.

Compliance and global operations

Compliance is an important "pass" for the sustainable development and expansion of the financial ecological platform. EraAI adheres to the concept of compliant operation. The platform was registered in the British Virgin Islands in 2022 and holds a BVI legal license issued by the local government. Based on this compliance license, EraAI can conduct business and expand the market in compliance in many financial potential regions. At the same time, EraAI is currently actively promoting the compliance process in many financial potential regions such as Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America, and applying for a series of financial licenses. And deeply promote in-depth cooperation and integration with a series of mainstream financial institutions, head crypto exchanges, well-known DeFi projects, etc., and continuously expand the profitability of all aspects of the business.

At the same time, EraAI is currently conducting in-depth business layout in many countries and regions around the world and rapidly expanding its customer base. Through strategic cooperation with top projects in the industry, EraAI will also be expected to rapidly expand its market influence and attract more capital, institutions and users to continuously advance its global strategic layout.

04 Leading investors to open a new era of “looking forward”

Initially, investors needed to "look back" when investing and making investment decisions, that is, to analyze the patterns by analyzing historical data and continue to make market judgments and decisions. As mentioned earlier, most investors cannot escape the Pareto Principle and information cocoons. Although AI is becoming a tool for most investors to conduct intelligent analysis, most of these tools can only help users find data and patterns, and specific decisions still need to be made by users themselves. The investment field is always in an era of "looking back".

The vast majority of intelligent arbitrage systems only focus on a single field. For example, some AI crypto strategy products only focus on the crypto market and find it difficult to provide services to traditional financial investors, while some traditional financial arbitrage platforms only focus on the traditional financial market and usually do not have the ability to capture and govern on-chain data.

EraAI is based on the "strongest brain" and not only has insights into on-chain data, but can also provide users with intelligent strategy analysis based on data, helping investors make decisions and becoming an important brain for investors, or even a solver that replaces users' trading intentions. Whether it is data capture, reasoning training or transaction operation execution, EraAI will be based on blockchain in a distributed manner, and the overall risk resistance and security of the system will be better.

Compared with focusing on a single field such as traditional finance and blockchain, EraAI perfectly combines the two, focusing on innovation in the comprehensive financial field and quickly occupying the minds of users. The financial investment field is expected to enter a new era of intelligent "forward-looking" and promote the continuous development of the field to a new height. With EraAI, ordinary investors can also become top financial investment masters and become the 20% smart investors in the 80/20 rule.

EraAI itself is backed by crypto investors and traditional financial investors. There are currently about 8 billion people in the world, of which about 100 to 200 million are active users in the macro-financial market. On the one hand, these users will be the potential target user group of the EraAI ecosystem, backed by a huge user base. On the other hand, the proportion of active financial investors in the world's total population is relatively low, and EraAI is expected to become a channel to lead more users into the financial field. This means that EraAI, which has advantages in many aspects, has extremely high incremental user expectations and is expected to continue to show its edge in emerging potential markets.