Last night, the non-agricultural data was released. Will the Fed's money release in September lead to a big rise?

Many people have now placed all their hopes on the Fed's money release.

Regarding one point, first of all, it is impossible for the A-share market to take off because of this money release. Our entire domestic economy is already in a downward phase. This is an obvious change in the cycle.

Relying on the A-share market is actually equivalent to relying on houses, which is unrealistic in the short term.

It is more reliable to rely on making money outside the workplace.

And the US stock market is already at a high level. Even if Nvidia can still rise, how much room is there?

It is not cost-effective to sell at this time. The risk and return do not match.

On the contrary, the actions of the big players in the US stock market are all public, and they reduce their holdings to keep cash for the winter.

What about the#coincircle#?

The obvious money-making effect of this round of encryption is not as good as that of the US stock market. Before, everyone said that the US stock market was linked to the pen circle, and even to the A-share market.

I don’t know if you have noticed it? Before the epidemic, there was indeed a strong linkage, but after the epidemic, the linkage was basically not that strong.

It’s more like everyone sneezes separately! ! Basically, everyone does not interfere with each other.

So, if there is another black swan in the US stock market, will circle B be synchronized?

Maybe, but even if there is another black swan in circle B, it is likely that circle B will rebound the fastest.

And let's talk about it, compared with these markets, which market has more potential investors in the future? That's where the trend is!

Sooner or later, it will rise back, it's just a matter of time. #小非农增幅创3年多新低