25 basis point rate cut in September, expected rate cut fulfilled, negative news, fall;

25 basis point rate cut in September, inflation was contained, economy ran smoothly, positive news, rise.

50 basis point rate cut in September, economy had problems, rate cut to make up for lost time, negative news, fall;

50 basis point rate cut in September, unexpected rate cut, positive news, rise.

There is a good old Chinese saying, buy when there is disagreement, sell when there is agreement;

There is another old Chinese saying, don't release the eagle until you see the rabbit.

So, the point expressed above is that, in the exhaustion of endogenous narratives in the currency circle, $BTC

$ETH is a stock narrative of US tech stocks; without fundamentals, they can only go with the flow and fluctuate weakly. Because the current market game environment is very twisted.

The bulls and bears are like two wild dogs fighting to the death. In my opinion, both dogs are exhausted. If someone gives them some stimulants, the chances of winning will be greater.

The full text of the sentence above is: "Buy when divergence turns to consensus, sell when consensus turns to divergence". If you can't catch that point, catching that range is also good.
