In the modern Internet environment, we can enjoy various services on the Internet, but it is difficult for us to fully control our data. This data includes our personal information, social media accounts, emails, search records, etc. Our digital footprints are everywhere on the Internet, and these digital data are collected, stored, analyzed and used for advertising, marketing, intelligence gathering and other purposes. Our behavior and activities on the Internet are monitored and controlled, our privacy is violated, and even our personal accounts may be closed for various reasons.

At the same time, with the explosive growth of #数字资产 (such as digital currency), everyone will have more and more digital assets. Personal digital assets may suffer losses due to various security vulnerabilities, hacker attacks, etc. If individuals do not pay attention to data security, they may eventually face significant financial losses. The leakage of personal data is no longer some dispensable or even invisible loss, but a major risk that may lead to personal property loss.

As ordinary people, we often think that we are like a drop of water in the ocean, completely integrated into the ocean. In most cases, no one will pay special attention to us, and even if there is a data leak, it will not have much impact on us. But now, we have ushered in a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, making individual monitoring and searching more convenient and comprehensive. In front of AI, each of us is naked and no longer has the possibility of hiding in the group. Any individual may be placed under 24-hour, all-round and all-weather monitoring. These AIs may collect and analyze various personal information and data, combined with ubiquitous surveillance cameras, sensing devices, smart wearable devices and mobile phones, further exacerbating personal #隐私 and #数据安全 concerns.

Therefore, we need to find a solution that allows individuals to control their own data and privacy without any malicious infringement by any third party, including hackers and AI. That's why we created a product like #芥子空间 that is centered on "users fully controlling their own data." This product can help users build their own #安全屋 in the digital world, protect personal privacy and data security. In addition, this product can also help users connect to the network services they are interested in, saving users time.

In short, protecting personal privacy and data security is an important issue facing today's digital age. With the explosive growth of digital assets and the gradual intrusion of AI into work and life, this issue has become more urgent. This is the driving force behind our creation of the Mustard Seed Space product! Only through innovative products like Mustard Seed Space to help users control their own data and privacy can we truly participate in the upcoming digital life, maximize the potential of AI technology, and achieve common prosperity for individuals and society.



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