Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

Let’s first look at the arc-shaped decline mentioned above on the 4th in the attached chart, and the bearer will stay until the 8th.

What we have seen so far is an arc-shaped decline.

I haven’t seen anyone say it earlier than me, or even use this term.

As mentioned before, there will be a rebound, but there will be no multiple owners and only empty owners. Subsequently, I saw a large number of root insertions exploded at 20 o'clock. However, because the bearers are all present, it becomes an excellent opportunity for the bearers to fall in an arc. There is no need to explain, it is because the bears are suppressing it.

As mentioned in the previous article, I waited until four o'clock in the morning on the 7th and can now post.

——Future (Follow-up):

★In the follow-up, the same situation remains unchanged. The bearer will stay until the 8th, which is currently the 7th. Therefore, we should pay attention to the possibility of continuing to follow the arc tail before the time is up.

However, at this four o'clock time, the same... Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half will not be released for the time being. Binance Square will give priority to posting. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name. subscription.