Before the bottom is picked, if Bitcoin dares to rebound, then continue to short!

At midnight, Bitcoin is still in the high-altitude thinking. It has fallen more than 3,000 points during the day, so if it pulls up in the second half of the night, it is also normal. Zhong Liang personally hopes to pull up a wave, otherwise it is really difficult to enter the short position! Next, pay attention to the closing of the hourly chart. If it closes positive and stands above 54,000, and does not break a new low, then it will be easy to enter the short position later.

As for the long positions near 54,000, Zhong Liang personally does not recommend participating. The general trend is short, and the market collapses very quickly. From the end of August, the double tops at 65,000 were under pressure and the highs of each rebound were going down, from the double tops at 61,000 to 59,500, and then to the rebound at 58,500. Today, it fell from 57,000 to 53,780. The visible rebound highs are lower, and the lows of the decline are constantly lower, a typical downward channel.

Therefore, short selling is the main method. Zhong Liang also emphasized the view that short positions are trapped and it is easy to get out, while long positions are trapped and it is difficult to get out during the decline. If you can't get out in a short time, the market will inevitably fall below 50,000 to test the bottom again. Last time, 48,888 was not able to hold, and it will inevitably break a new low. There is no doubt that we will see the result next week!

Bitcoin rebounds mainly on short positions, giving 1,500 points of rebound space. If 53,800 is the bottom today and the hourly chart can close positively, 55,300 to 56,000 will be shorted. If the rebound is weak and continues to break through to a new low, it is not ruled out that it may chase short positions at any time. Therefore, the market changes a lot, so everyone should be prepared to participate in short positions! #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH